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I am speaking at Digital People in Peterborough

I am speaking at Digital People in Peterborough

Been some time since I last blogged. In fact this is the first time this year. It’s been a real busy time for me working with Transport for London. A lot has happened.

So it was with great honour to be invited to talk at “Digital People in Peterborough”:http://www.mydpip.com event. My talk, “What The Hell Do Users Know - Why we should accept we are all experience designers” will talk about design as a tool for problem solving. I will be giving some examples of my work with TfL and the BBC.

My belief is that to truly to solve the root problem, there needs to be a shared understanding and vision from the whole team. We all play a role in the solution and the concept of a hero designer is one that lives in a previous age.

For more information on this event, please go to DPiP’s “MeetUp”:http://www.meetup.com/Digital-People-in-Peterborough/events/192967012/ page or catch them on “@DPiPboro”:https://twitter.com/DPiPboro

About the author!

Jay Heal

Jay Heal

Director, User Experience Consultant, Service Designer, Design Speaker, Technical Writer, Father, Husband, Brother, Son, Home Barista, Foodie.

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